The sushi restaurant was a short walk through the Waikoloa Village mall back to our resort. A family was walking along the mall close by, when their daughter spied a crazy little orange thing squirming along the sidewalk. It looked like a centipede.

Good eye, little girl! I walked right by the thing without seeing it. I don't know how I missed it. It had to be 5 inches long and bright orange, but it was nighttime. The girl had to be just four years old. The family gathered around to look at it. As I walked away, I overheard the daughter ask her daddy if she could pick it up.
The father said "No." which of course was followed by the little girls question, "Why not?"
On his response, I had to ask my husband if I heard him right. The father said (and this is confirmed by my husband), "Because it will bite you and sting like a Mother F&*%#er."
Nice way to explain it, Daddy! Can't wait to hear the girl tell her kindergarten class about her summer..."Yeah, we saw a centipede, but I couldn't touch it because it would bite me and sting like a Mother F&*%#er."
I love it. That was our new punchline for the rest of our trip.
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