BT and I took this beautiful afternoon to celebrate Quatro de Mayo with some cerveza's at the Sandbar. A fun bar in North Scottsdale where the outdoor patio is covered in sand, complete with a little beach. I once asked the bouncer how often do people jump in the beach and he says at least one a night...more on the weekends.
Today, the place had even more sand trucked in and covered half the parking lot to set up for the annual dodge ball tournament. BT had met some people the night before at the new neighborhood Mexican restaurant, Pinatas. They were team "Money Shot" and invited us to watch them compete.
Like, what's up with the one guy with the head band? Why is it that if there's one person left, after a while, the whole team gets to get back on the field? Why is the person slowly rolling the ball back to the other team and not trying to get any out?
Well after a few more coronas and a few more matches we finally figured things out. It helped that we were standing next to a team that played on a dodge ball league. The guy with the head band is the "dead man walking". If you get that guy out, you win the game automatically. There's also a time limit of how long the last person can stay on the court. If you can't get that last person out in a certain amount of time, then the whole team gets to get back on. This only happens once. Finally, rolling the ball back to the other team is usually because that person can't throw very well. It's safer to roll it back so that they don't catch the ball and get you out.
My husband is determined to get a team together for next year. A lot of the people there aren't on leagues, or haven't played dodge ball since third grade. Other teams don't play except once a year at this event, like Team Money Shot. One team had a professional basketball player playing on their team, Richard Jefferson of the New Jersey Nets, formerly Golden State Warriors. He graduated from U of A so is one of our local sport celebrities.